Category Archives: Embodied Coaching
The Power of Physical Intelligence
In one of my most popular workshops, I teach people how to use William Bloom’s Endorphin Effect. The body releases endorphins when you’re in pain or stressed; curiously, they’re also released when you experience something pleasurable, like massage, eating or sex. … Continue reading
Embodied knowing: The wisdom of the body
One of the best ways to solve a problem is to stop thinking about it. That sounds counterintuitive, but it works! If you simply keep ruminating on a problem, it stays in your conscious mind. However, really innovative solutions emerge … Continue reading
Can ‘Power Posing’ change your life?
Can simply standing in a powerful pose boost your confidence? Back in 2010 psychologist Amy Cuddy, along with colleagues Dana Carney and Andy Yap, claimed that it could (Carney, 2010). There was considerable media excitement, especially after Cuddy delivered a … Continue reading